Popular Course
Java SDET Software development engineer in test

This program prepares you with skills that are in demand in the industry.

Save your spot at our Intro Session to learn more about the program, school, curriculum, students stories and many more! Next Intro Session will be on March 15, 2025. Sign up link is below. See you!

Starting salary
6 month
Course duration
  • NO prior coding experience
  • Basic understanding of English
  • LaptopMAC/Windows 8 GB RAM, Min 256 GB HDD i5 / m1 chip
About Course
Course Overview

Immersive 6-month training program for aspiring software developers and engineers. This program includes both online and in-person instruction, mentorship from experienced professionals, and real projects to work on. To ensure your success in the IT field, our course is fully aligned with industry standards!

Java SDET Schedule | 5 days a week | Mon – Thu 6-9pm CST, Sat 10am-2pm CST

Upcoming Java SDET course Start Dates

April 5, 2025

What We Teach

As part of our curriculum, you’ll learn fundamentals of SDET, acquire interview skills, build a portfolio of projects, and optimize your CV. By the end of the 6-month program, you’ll have acquired the most in-demand skills in SDET that will lead you to a career in the IT industry.


    11 weeks | Weekly individual & group projects | Presentations

    Java Variable, Java Operators, Java API – String, Conditional Statements, Loops (white loop, do-while loop, nested loop), Java Array, String Builder, Access Modifiers, Java Constructors, ArrayList, Java Date & Time Classes, Abstract Class, ENUM, Polymorphism, and more.

  • Block 2: Selenium webdriver
    Block 2: Selenium webdriver

    3 weeks | Weekly individual & group projects | Presentations

    HTML, Selenium Locators, TestNG Basics, Selenium Checkbox, Radio buttons, Selenium Alert Class, Iframes, Javascript Executor, and more.

  • Block 3: Testng
    Block 3: Testng

    2 weeks | Weekly individual & group projects | Presentations

    TestNG Framework, Dataprovider, Page Object Model (POM), Singleton Design Pattern, Utility Class for Properties, and more

  • Block 4: Cucumber
    Block 4: Cucumber

    4 5 weeks | Weekly individual & group projects | Presentations

    Cucumber Framework, Passing String, Passing Number, Data table with List, Data table with List of List, Data table with map, Cucumber Hook Class, Cucumber HTML report, Apache POI, and more.

  • BLOCK 5: SQL
    BLOCK 5: SQL

    3 weeks | Weekly individual & group projects | Presentations

    Intro to SQL, DML, Joins (Inner, Right, Left), Set Operations (Union, Union All, Minus, Intersect), DDL, and more.

  • BLOCK 6: API
    BLOCK 6: API

    3 weeks | Weekly individual & group projects | Presentations

    Intro to Rest API, HTTP CRUD methods (Get, Post, Put, Delete), HTTP response status codes, Swagger, Postman, Json & XML data, RestAssured library DML, and more.

  • Block 7: Soft Skills
    Block 7: Soft Skills

    Weekly individual & group projects | Presentations

    Agile methodologies, teams & responsibilities, collaboration & communication tools, mock interview and more.

Job Placement
Companies Our Graduates Work At

Job positions you can apply for upon graduation:

  • QA Engineer
  • Test Automation Engineer
  • Software Test Engineer
  • SDET
Contact Us
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in 7 months!
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To register to Java SDET Course Intro session on March 15, 2025, please provide the following info: